As we struggle with the COVID-19 public health crisis, Davina is focused on:

  • Maintaining essential city services and public safety operations.

  • Allowing for city programs like libraries, parks & recreation, and senior nutrition to continue with strict safety protocols.

  • Supporting local small businesses to operate as allowed to keep people safe and avoid permanent closures. 

  • Addressing the financial impacts of COVID-19 on the city’s budget by prioritizing funding of essential city programs and services. 

  • Working with the County Health Department to ensure residents and staff in Belmont’s senior living communities are protected against infection.

  • Working with the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District to support planning for a safe return to campus. 

  • Ensuring Belmont residents are informed with accurate information on a timely basis.

Since the “Shelter-in-Place” orders were imposed in March, Davina has been working side-by-side with County officials, City Council and City staff to ensure:

  • Funds for emergency small business grants.

  • Vital Senior programs remain in place.

  • Virtual recreation services for residents of all ages. 

  • Pursuing opportunities for restaurants to operate outside.

  • Ensure PPE used by the city during critical services.