As we struggle with the COVID-19 public health crisis, Davina is focused on:
Maintaining essential city services and public safety operations.
Allowing for city programs like libraries, parks & recreation, and senior nutrition to continue with strict safety protocols.
Supporting local small businesses to operate as allowed to keep people safe and avoid permanent closures.
Addressing the financial impacts of COVID-19 on the city’s budget by prioritizing funding of essential city programs and services.
Working with the County Health Department to ensure residents and staff in Belmont’s senior living communities are protected against infection.
Working with the Belmont-Redwood Shores School District to support planning for a safe return to campus.
Ensuring Belmont residents are informed with accurate information on a timely basis.
Since the “Shelter-in-Place” orders were imposed in March, Davina has been working side-by-side with County officials, City Council and City staff to ensure:
Funds for emergency small business grants.
Vital Senior programs remain in place.
Virtual recreation services for residents of all ages.
Pursuing opportunities for restaurants to operate outside.
Ensure PPE used by the city during critical services.